They Must Be Spooktacular

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I’m all about finding out new stuff about my characters. It’s like an obsession. It feels like this is an ongoing process that never ends, and it probably doesn’t.

That being said, in the spirit of October, let’s focus on Halloween. Yeah, you probably haven’t been trick-or-treating in years, and maybe you haven’t gone to a costume party for Halloween or anything recently either. But what about your characters? Regardless if they’re kids, teenagers, or adults, how do they celebrate Halloween?

Well, here’s my challenge: make them do something this Halloween. Give them plans with friends or something. Maybe they rob a bank on Halloween while dressed as a Teletubby or Captain Kirk. I don’t know, but give them something fun to do.

While you’re at it, here’s the really fun part of the challenge: they have to dress up. Given the choice, what would your character be for one night? The possibilities are endless, so what do they choose? Do they really get into character while dressed up? Or do they think it’s totally lame and just spend the night wanting to go home? You decide. Well, technically, they do, but you get the idea.

Have fun with it! That’s the whole point. If you’re not having fun, change it. Spice it up. And feel free to leave a comment below saying what your character is dressing up as.

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