Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Frankenstein Strategy

Most writers I know say they have a notebook or Word document that is just an ongoing list and catch-all for all their random story ideas. These ideas might be for whole characters, scenes, plots, settings, or even just a … Continue reading

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NaNoWriMo Survival Kit

If you’re headed into a month long marathon of writing a novel for NaNoWriMo, you have to be prepared. Here is a suggested list of items to have handy in order to survive the month of non-stop writing: 1. A … Continue reading

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Never Fear, NaNoWriMo is Almost Here

Sunday will be November 1st, and while that means most people will be excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, November means a bit more to us creative writers. November is National Novel Writing Month, most often known as NaNoWriMo. … Continue reading

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Wonderful Weather

Most people say you shouldn’t open a novel or any piece of work with long explanations of weather. Or any weather. If there’s weather, sky, or atmosphere mentioned, it’s labeled as cliche or amateur. But this kind of thinking takes … Continue reading

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Mythological Monday: Mermaids

For this Mythological Monday, we’ll be highlighting mermaids as typically characterized in myth and modern day. Mermaids, in a very brief sense, are half-fish and half-woman. They are seen as both beautiful and wicked. Their looks and voice can lure … Continue reading

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Plots & Thoughts Thursday: Deep Blue

In this week’s edition of Plots & Thoughts Thursday, we’ll be looking at Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly. In this charming underwater universe, mermaids live in practically any body of water. Their population spans oceans, which in turn are their … Continue reading

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Making Time to Write

Finding time to write can be a pain. You go through your week, Monday to Friday, and feel like you can’t breathe. Then the weekend comes, and you promise your characters that you’ll make time for them. You’ll write. But, … Continue reading

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Where Characters Come Alive

Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make about your story is where it will take place. There are endless options for settings, anywhere from a farm in the country to a futuristic office building. Maybe you’ve already figured … Continue reading

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Mythological Monday: Epona

It’s time for another Mythological Monday! Last time, we talked about trolls, so I thought I would get a little more specific this time. Today, I’ve chosen to highlight Epona, the horse goddess of Celtic origins. You may be thinking: … Continue reading

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Doughnut Plots

I love sweets, and honestly, I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like some type of dessert out there. But, perhaps, one of my favorites, because it’s both breakfast and dessert, is doughnuts. It’s a win-win situation. That was, until I … Continue reading

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